Paimon: Paimon doesn't know what all this means, but let's record this mural down first. Paimon: It looks like it shows people getting ready to board a ship. (Otherwise) Paimon: Huh, Paimon didn't think we'd find a mural here, too. Paimon: It looks like people are getting ready to board a ship.

Part of A Trip Through Fog and Wind (Observe the mural) (If this is the first mural you've found) Paimon: Hmm? Look, there' some sort of. (Take a photo and obtain Nameless Island Mural) Nameless Islet Paimon: Paimon's not totally sure what it means, but let's record this mural down first. (Otherwise) Paimon: Over here! There's a mural here as well! Paimon: Looks like a broken ship. Either way, let's make of note of this mural first, shall we? (Take a photo and obtain Minacious Isle Mural) Nameless Island (Observe the mural) (If this is the first mural you've found) Paimon: Hmm? Look, there's some sort of. Paimon: Paimon can't read this very well. (Otherwise) Paimon: Ooh! Here's another mural! Paimon: Looks like a ship with lots of people on it.

Paimon: Looks like a ship with lots of people on it. (Take a photo and obtain Broken Isle Mural) Minacious Isle (Observe the mural) (If this is the first mural you've found) Paimon: Hmm? Look, there's some sort of. Paimon: But we can't be sure how they're related. feels like it has something to do with that pool on the mountaintop. (Only plays if you interacted with the stone pedals for the Mural Lake Puzzle before) Paimon: This mural. Paimon: Well, let's record it down anyway. pillars? Or are those five cups of water? Paimon wonders which it is. (Otherwise) Paimon: Look! Over here! There's a mural here too! Paimon: What's this. Paimon: Let's look around and see what we can find! Broken Isle (Observe the mural) (If this is the first mural you've found) Paimon: Hmm? Look, there's some sort of. Paimon: Maybe there might be similar murals on the surrounding islands nearby. (Take a picture of observed mural for the first time) Paimon: Who knew that we'd find a mural like this one on this island? Paimon: Still, we can't make complete sense out of the story these murals depict just by looking at them.