You could also consider switching between Amastara’s Blade Burst and Righteous Fervor. On the Nightblade side, you get 5 Dual Blades, 3 Belgothain Sheers, 12 Lethal Assault, 16 Amastara’s Blade Burst, 10 Veil of Shadow, 10 Night’s Chill, and 12 Merciless Repertoire. Some of its skills from the OathKeepr side include 12 Consecration, 2 Haven, 2 Ascension, 1 Scion of Dreeg, 1 Dreeg’s Reproach, 5 Retribution, 12 presence of Virtue, 2 Rebuke, 2 Summon Guardian of Empryion among others. In this regard, the Rat, Eye Of The Guardian, Scorpion, Manticore, Murmur, Abomination, and Yugol The Insatiable Night will definitely come in handy. We would recommend you use the items that end up increasing the overall acid damage capability. It boasts of an excellent synergy with poison and acid after you have paired it up with the Nighblade mastery. Anyways, its perks outweigh its negatives and hence it sits comfortably in this list of the best Grim Dawn builds of 2022. However, the fact that there are no standard leveling guides might prove to be somewhat of a downside for some. Talking about the latter, well his attacks more often than not turn out to be deadly vicious as well.

It also makes sure that your character remains unscratched, that is, it doesn’t get inflicted with many attacks. Having an impressive intellect, it straightaway translates to its ability to incur maximum damage apart from surviving many deadly attacks. Thinking about pairing with other new classes, well then look no further than the Death Knight build. Well, all this goes on the prove that its high stature is totally justified and as a result, it has earned a place in this list of the best Grim Dawn builds. Not to mention the fact that the Bat, Wendigo, and Veilwarden should all be looked upon when it comes to the constellation.